Belching Words

First Day of Class 2010

Posted in other by Lex on June 15, 2010

It’s a fine sunny day and I was happy and felt energized and blessed as my father drove us to school, seeing the sun up as early as me. Though I continued yawning and badly needed a dose of coffee, and failed to procure one, and modular paced school was dead boring, I anticipate what ever new happens for my final year on high school.

New changes were implemented at school, friends left and moved on, I stayed behind, I planned early for a good Feasibility Study, the harder math problems and equations I’m going to solve… It will surely be a bit lonelier and harder this year but nevertheless, I am thankful because I get to enjoy an opportunity to study, a taste of school, textbooks, school supplies shopping, and strict teachers – all of this some kids are deprived of due to poverty. Never mind what sort of management my school has or how I need to study alone, on my own pace and style, it’s up to me how I embrace and make the most of what I have right now.

Soon I’ll be in the University of San Carlos studying Political Science and then pursuing Law. Soon I’ll be 16 and young and new and fresh and trying to be mature, living up to the name “college student”.

And then I’ll be taking the board exam for the first time (will probably fail) and then job hunting which is the final and hardest part of the game. This is where I use every bit of what I learned, getting dressed up as a “cool” lawyer with the glasses, high heels, and tight hair bun.

Time sure flies fast, huh?

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2 Responses

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  1. Meg said, on June 22, 2010 at 2:29 pm

    Ah, so many wonderful experiences ahead for you — enjoy it all! :)

  2. shoreacres said, on June 16, 2010 at 1:21 am

    Really? You are just now starting school? Or just thinking about it? Is this fact or fiction?

    I’m confused, you see, because here all of the schools finally have emptied out for the summer and no one is in class, except perhaps for some who are trying to make up for what they missed during the past year and others who are taking “enrichment” classes.

    I loved vacation when I was in school, but I loved going back to school even more. It doesn’t last long – enjoy every minute!

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